4 research outputs found

    Comparison between some meteorological elements measured by ECMWF and Earth stations in different regions in Iraq

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    The aim of this paper is to validate the data of three meteorological elements Air Temperature (Ta) , Relative Humidity (RH), Wind Speed (WS) from the European Center For-Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) , against ground stations data using several Models at six stations well distributed in Iraq (Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Kut, Nasiriya, and Basra). Due to the difficulties which experienced by the ground climate stations in Iraq from a shortage of devices and equipment for measuring the various climatic elements, which led to a huge shortage of data throughout time for political, economic and natural disasters. It is found that researchers can adopt the data of satellite stations to monitor the climate because let’s found that there is a highly significance Correlations between the data of these stations and the data of the ground stations for climate monitoring Five Mathematical Models were used for that [Linear Models, Quadratic Models, Exponential Models, Logarithmic Models, and Power Models]. The performance of these models were evaluated by comparing the calculated (Ta, RH, WS) from earth stations. Those mathematical correlations help to be able to calculate the ground data in state of there is no ground climate stations data. Several statistical tests Correlation Coefficient (R), Coefficient of Determination (R2), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) were used to control the validation and goodness of these Models. The R2 obtained from these Models were very high in all stations. This means that, there is a highly significance Correlations between (Ta, RH, WS) estimated and [Ta, RH, WS] measured in all statio

    A Statistical Study of the Amount of Radiation Generated from Communication Towers in the Nineveh Plain Region, Baghdeda

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    This research presents a statistical study of radiation generated from communication towers in the Nineveh Plain region Baghdeda. The intensity of radiation energy was measured at 10 meters away from the communication tower in different locations, using a (1PC XH-901 Dosimeter/ Personal Dose Alarm / Radiation Detector, dosage rate: 0.01 μSv/h to 150μSv/h) to measure the amount of radiation at various times. Energy densities were measured and compared with standard limits provided by other authorities, such as the International Committee for Radiation Protection. Results were analyzed using SPSS version 26 to implement the data. The results show that the means of the radiation levels measured at all the zones do not statistically differ from the highest values determined globally 0.50-1.70 μSv/y; they lie within the radiation-free zones. Civilians may not always have a choice where the mobile tower will place. As a result, it may rely on some quick fixes, such as certified radiation protection items that offer all-around protection from mobile tower irradiance. The radiation shielding technology used in these goods alters the nature of irradiation from a constant to a variable waveform, rendering it useless